THE prestigious "Science Fair 2023" event by U.S. scientist and Nobel laureate LINEUS PAULING was organized on November 11 at the Mongolian University of Education, where more than 500 students from 5 to 12 grades from around Mongolia competed with their work and scientific knowledge.

In this fair, a team of 9th-grade students led by our biology teacher, Tamir S., participated and introduced their research work, "Biological assessment of water quality of the Selbe River in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia".

Congratulations to our students Yalguun S., Doljinsuren U., Munkh-Orgil N., Solongo B., Indranil B., Munkhkhusel B., and Enkhmend M.!

Thanks to Shine Ue school, which has always provided and supported pleasant learning and training environments. Also, special thanks to Narangarvuu D. (a lecturer at Mongolian State University ), Suvdtsetseg Ch. (a lecturer at Mongolian University of Education) for essential guidance and advice, and Chinzorig D. (Shine Ue school biology teacher), and Khuslenzaya S. (IBDP 12 student) for initiating the idea of the research.